Today I have finally started the wonderful world of blogging! We'll see how well I do in the following days, lol!
Well, we have our Christmas tree up and some decorations are up...........Julie, my 5 year old, is getting excited about Christmas coming this year. Our other daughter, Rachel, who is just about 4 months old, doesn't exactly know what's going on just yet, but I am sure it will still be a fun holiday for her! Daddy went to see his buddy Mark for a couple of days, so we girls need to amuse ourselves til he gets back! Good thing Julie has school! lol!! She is in Kindergarten and so far is liking it pretty well!
I have started making some christmas cards and some other decorations for the season.......I finally made an Advent Calendar from a cookie sheet..........something I've been wanting to do for awhile, but never really got motivated until I got involved in the online crop that Scrapbook Heaven had this past couple of weeks! They had a challenge there for us to make one......good thing they did!! Otherwise I still may not have made one for this year!! Soooooo, thank you SH!! There are wonderful girls there, if you ever want to stop by, please do, everyone will make you feel soooooo welcome!! Well, I just hope that I'll get my cards mailed out this year, Idk, we'll see!! lolol!!
About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!