Yes folks, you heard that family is moving! Not toooo far away, but far enough!! This has been in the process since the beginning of this year, in first, we thought we were going to move in March, and then things happened and we didn't move...........this time, things are working out for us to move. Right now, we are in a small village just south of Buffalo, NY......we are going to be moving to Pa.! It's going to be a BIG change, but we believe that's where the Lord is calling us at this time in our life. God will see us through! Our oldest daughter will need the most help to make this transition I think........moving to a new house, new school, trying to make new's going to be tough on her. Our youngest daughter doesn't really understand yet what's happening......she is only 3. Hubby is sooooo excited to start a new job doing something he really and truly loves! I am also somewhat excited to start this new adventure......I say somewhat because I am going to miss this house that we have called our home for TEN years!!! (well, with the exception of living in NC for 3 months back in '07!) When you've lived someplace for THAT long, raised your children in this home, made sooooo many memories in this home, had bbq's, parties, nieces and nephews spending the night, cooked so many meals, baked cookies and other yummy's bound to be tough to leave it and call someplace else home, but, this is JUST a house, right? We can make another house a HOME and fill it with good memories also. Our next home will be filled with love and laughter also, just like this one. I will miss our church first and foremost, our community, and our family.......but, thank goodness we will still be close enough to travel back to see family if want to on the spur of the moment! (We are only going to be a couple of hours away!, sooo, not tooooo bad!)
This all actually just took place yesterday for us.......hubby accepted the job then. Now comes all the fun stuff......selling the house, making phone calls, packing and unpacking, finding a place to live down there, and all sorts of FUN things, lol!! We are also not sure if hubby is going down before us, or if all of us will be able to go at once.....please keep our situation in prayer!! Thanks!
What I'm thinking of doing is posting pics on my progress of moving and other such things that go on during this process. We'll see how far I get with that! Just wanted to let ya'all know what was going on, so if I am NOT around for awhile, you'll know what happened to me!
About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
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