About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
I am Blessed!
As I sit here at my computer today and think of all the things that have been happening in my life recently......I can't help to think how very blessed I really am! There have been a few "roller coaster" emotions going on the past couple of weeks......from funerals of friends and family, friends and their children getting sick, bad weather hitting places here in the northeast and people being without power, and shootings going on here and there around the world. How can I still feel blessed you ask?? Well, let me tell you! God, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings has kept me and my family fairly healthy...my girls have been sick a little bit (strep throat, coughs, sore throats....all that fun stuff that normally comes with wintertime) but the Lord watched over them and healed them! He watches over my oldest as she goes to school.......yes, I still worry alot when she goes, but I know that my God is all powerful and she is in His care!! We have had a pretty mild winter here in the PA boonies (ask anyone, this really is the boonies!!) and I am thankful for a warm house, food to eat, a bed to sleep, a vehicle that gets us places, and clothes to wear (although I don't really keep up on the latest fashions, unless you consider Goodwill and Walmart fashion forward stores, lol!!) Our snow is melting and I can see the green grass now......I'm HOPING that winter is almost over, but, I kind of doubt it!!
A couple of weeks ago, a friend from college passed away......she wasn't one of my "close" friends, but she was a friend......and she radiated Jesus through her contagious smile and laughter......she leaves behind a husband and five children......it just amazed me how EVERYONE said just about the same thing of this person at her "Celebration of Life" service.......she Loved Jesus and she wanted others to know Him too.....she didn't push Jesus on anyone, but she reached out to everyone with her smile and friendliness. It got me to thinking, gee, how are people going to remember me?? Oh I know, she was that redheaded girl that laughed all the time!! Yes, that is me, but I also hope that I will be remembered as radiating Jesus Christ as well....I don't want to push my faith onto others, but I do want them to know where I stand! (LOL, ask my friend Joe, he'll tell ya!)
Before I went to my college friend's funeral, I found out that my Uncle had passed away.....to me, that came as quite a shock! I wish that I had been able to see him and talk to him, and to tell him that I was sorry for things that were said. It was over 10 years ago that we had words on the phone, at the time that my grandmother passed away, and he and I had not spoken to each other since then. I was able to tell my cousins and my uncle's wife, how really sorry I was......that's all that would come out my mouth.......I had no other words, just broke down and cried while giving them all hugs. It was good to see that side of the family again, but not under those circumstances. My uncle was a good man.....and by what I heard at his funeral service, he had made peace with God...my prayer is hoping that is true. I hope and pray that I may see him again one day in Heaven, and there I can talk to him face to face. I do feel a sense of peace, and that a burden has been lifted from my shoulders.........God has used this time and situation to help the healing begin and to mend broken relationships with family. I am eternally grateful to Him for having mercy on me and giving me such a forgiving family.
My prayers go out to all the families that are dealing with traumatic situations in their lives........there is hope......and there can be peace.......there is a person you can call on to help start the healing process......His name is Jesus Christ!
Peace and Love!
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