Wow, I can't believe that the first week of May is gone already! That was so fast! Rachel is standing a little bit on her own now, even if it is just for a few seconds, it's on her own!! She is saying Ma ma ma ma ma now more than ever.....boy, that makes mommy feel good! LOL!! I can't believe that she's 9 months!! What a little bundle of joy she is! I love my little baby girl! Here is a pic of her feeling the heat when we were at the 100 acre park by JCC April 27. Doesn't she look warm?!!

Julie loves playing with her little sister too, although sometimes she can be just a little toooo rough, but I guess that's to be expected! We just watch to make sure nobody gets hurt! LOL!! Julie is almost finished with this school year, another six weeks or so!! Yay!! I can't wait for this year to be finished, it hasn't been a terrible year for Julie, but it hasn't been that great either. I hope that she has a good first grade teacher next year, one that help encourage her to be excited to learn. She loves to read here at home, so I hope that'll continue!! Here are a couple pics of Julie enjoying the warmer weather at the 100 acre park in the creek!

Well, off to do my household chores and such........laundry and picking up are ALWAYS calling my name!! LOL!! I hope to work on a little mommy's day scrapbooking project for my mommy in law! She's the bestest!! Oh, I have found a new little scrapbooking site called, " The Shaker Box " and it's pretty cool! Very friendly site! I encourage you to stop by and check it out!
Okay, have a great day! It's rainy and gloomy here, but it's going to be a wonderful day regardless!!
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