Then on Saturday we went to Allen Park for an Easter Egg Hunt.....Julie met up with her cousins and her bff Cassie, from school, at the hunt......good thing I got a couple pics beforehand cuz there were waaaaaay too many kids and parents there to get a picture when they were searching for eggs!!! Here are a couple before the hunt, and a couple while playing on the playground!!

After the egg hunt, we went to Lukeus's 5th Birthday party! Here is a pic of Lukeus opening one of his presents....there were alot of kids there!!

Here is the cake that Kassi made and frosted...supposed to be a train, but she called it her "train wreck!"

and here is another cake that Kassi made, but I frosted....she didn't like me too well! LOLOL!!

Finally on sunday, we spent a quiet Easter sunday at home after going to church in the morning! The girls found their Easter baskets before church in the morning, had an egg hunt after church in our backyard, and then we had Easter dinner. Here are some pics of this special day!

terrific Easter pictures. Looks like alot of fun and the weather even cooperated!!!
Such great pictures Lisa. I cannot believe how much both of the girls are growing.
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