And soooo many fun things are in store for the new year! The first thing going on to end 2010 and to start off 2011 is our church's annual New Year's Eve AD Free Party overnight party......(AD free = alcohol and drug free).....they have pizza, bounce houses, bands, speakers, games, contests, and all sorts of fun! It'll be a blast to say the least!
The second thing to start off the new year is a fun Sketch-A-Thon at all of you scrappers or card makers might just love this...all new sketches for you to be inspired by all month long for January 2011!! Come check it out! I know you'll love it!
The third thing is that I am trying to start my own photography business...I have a couple of names for it floating around in my head, but if you have any ideas for it, I would really love to hear them!!
The fourth thing is a BIG HUGE surprise that I have to share, but cannot share it until January 1, 2011!! I am soooo super duper pumped up excited, and I cannot wait to tell you all what it is!! You'll just have to wait a couple more days for the BIG HUGE surprise!!
Finally.......the new year of 2011 holds many many different events and situations to come.....I pray to the precious Lord above, that HE may direct my paths during this new year, and that HE may take all the Glory!!
Peace out folks
and God bless you!
About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
3 Days before Christmas!
Wow, can you believe it?! Christmas is just about takes so long to get here and then "POOF!", it's gone in a day! I am just about done wrapping presents, didn't have to get toooo many this year, lol!! I didn't make hardly any Christmas cookies this year, although dd Julie did make a few cutouts a couple of weeks ago, maybe I'll make some tonight! I'm just not stressing over anything this year, and you know's working! I'm not worried about anything......not worried if anyone likes their gift or not, not worried about cookies, or Christmas dinner......just taking it one day at a time and enjoying the season! I love it!! Especially the candy canes....yummy!! lol!!
Oh, I tried out for the Design team at Sassy Lil' Sketches so I'm waiting to hear back about that! I'm hoping that I make it, but if not, that's okay too, it's still a wonderful fun site that I enjoy being a part of!
Have a Merry Christmas season and a very Happy New Year 2011!! Peace! Lisa
Oh, I tried out for the Design team at Sassy Lil' Sketches so I'm waiting to hear back about that! I'm hoping that I make it, but if not, that's okay too, it's still a wonderful fun site that I enjoy being a part of!
Have a Merry Christmas season and a very Happy New Year 2011!! Peace! Lisa
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
STILL Snowing and Blowing......WOW!!!
Life is chilly here in western NY..Wow...this snow doesn't seem like it's going to stop........I'm already at the point where I want spring already!! haha!!

Well, today was rather a boring day.....didn't do a whole lot of housework, but I did make a short trip to our local library! It wasn't snowing tooo bad when I went. I found some good books for Julie to help her with her reading, and then I looked at some of the New Better Homes and Gardens Christmas books they had just put out! I found a cute book filled with crafty ornaments to make, so we'll see if I get creative enough to make some before Christmas actually gets here! LOL!!
Then, after Julie got home from school today, we worked on her homework and got that done........then I found a couple of pages from her reading workbook to do. I told her she's going to keep doing these workbook pages til she's reading and understanding what she reads very well!! Not sure how long it'll be, but I'm hoping it won't be tooooo long!

After her homework was done, after supper was finished, and after she and her sister played for awhile........we started to make some cut out cookies! I had the dough in the fridge, so I set it out to room temp today so it would be workable enough for us tonite! I showed Julie how I did things and then let her go to town, well, at least for a couple of cookie sheets anyhow, then we ran out of time for fun! It was time for bed soon, and SURVIVOR, can't forget that!!!! haha!!

Finally, mommy is having a little quiet time, well ALMOST quiet time......Rachel didn't go to sleep due to her cold and stuffy nose, so she's on the couch watching Calliou on netflix.

Maybe she'll fall asleep there, I don't know.......Mom's can dream, can't they?! haha!! Oh well, that's all for today....enjoy the pics and hopefully I'll remember to post tomorrow!

Well, today was rather a boring day.....didn't do a whole lot of housework, but I did make a short trip to our local library! It wasn't snowing tooo bad when I went. I found some good books for Julie to help her with her reading, and then I looked at some of the New Better Homes and Gardens Christmas books they had just put out! I found a cute book filled with crafty ornaments to make, so we'll see if I get creative enough to make some before Christmas actually gets here! LOL!!
Then, after Julie got home from school today, we worked on her homework and got that done........then I found a couple of pages from her reading workbook to do. I told her she's going to keep doing these workbook pages til she's reading and understanding what she reads very well!! Not sure how long it'll be, but I'm hoping it won't be tooooo long!

After her homework was done, after supper was finished, and after she and her sister played for awhile........we started to make some cut out cookies! I had the dough in the fridge, so I set it out to room temp today so it would be workable enough for us tonite! I showed Julie how I did things and then let her go to town, well, at least for a couple of cookie sheets anyhow, then we ran out of time for fun! It was time for bed soon, and SURVIVOR, can't forget that!!!! haha!!

Finally, mommy is having a little quiet time, well ALMOST quiet time......Rachel didn't go to sleep due to her cold and stuffy nose, so she's on the couch watching Calliou on netflix.

Maybe she'll fall asleep there, I don't know.......Mom's can dream, can't they?! haha!! Oh well, that's all for today....enjoy the pics and hopefully I'll remember to post tomorrow!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snowing and blowing!
Wow, what a day it is here in western NY, it's snowing and blowing...AGAIN!! LOL..that's about all it ever seems to do in the winter here in this state, oh well, it's ok, I don't HAVE to go anywhere so I can stay all warm and cozy here at home! :)
Today is "Trying to catch up on Laundry Day"! I'm getting there, little by little!
I also found another wonderful scrappy message's called Sassy Lil' Sketches! They just opened their forum Dec. 2 and it looks to be a VERY friendly and fun board! Stop on over and let them know you found them from my blog!!
Well, need to get dd Rachel down for her nap, then hopefully I can catch up on some scrappiness! LOL!!
Have a great day bloggers and God bless you all!!
Today is "Trying to catch up on Laundry Day"! I'm getting there, little by little!
I also found another wonderful scrappy message's called Sassy Lil' Sketches! They just opened their forum Dec. 2 and it looks to be a VERY friendly and fun board! Stop on over and let them know you found them from my blog!!
Well, need to get dd Rachel down for her nap, then hopefully I can catch up on some scrappiness! LOL!!
Have a great day bloggers and God bless you all!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It's Snowing!!
It's so pretty outside today! I love watching it snow, especially when it's the light pretty snow! Well, thinking about making some cookies today and maybe taking a trip to Erie, Pa.. Julie has been wanting another build a bear and I have a coupon for a free bear up to $12, so I forsee a Build-A-Bear trip! A good friend from college, Sarah, is also going to Erie to see one of her sons, so I might meet up with her as well as long as the weather permits!
I don't have a picture yet for today for my December Daily Album, but I'm hoping to get one later on! I forgot to post yesterday and the 2nd so here is a picture from the 2nd for my album!
It's Monkey Bread...YUMM-O!!!!

I did not get a picture for yesterday, but I was able to get out a little bit to dollar tree to get Julie some reading workbooks and to Wal*Mart for a few more Christmas things....maybe I can get a picture of those! I also watched "Babes in Toyland" last night...WOW,Drew Barrymore was sooooooooo young in that one, lol!! I haven't seen that in Years!! It was pretty good, not to mention rather funny!!
Well, I better close for now...have alot to do today!
Peace to you all this Christmas Season!
Remember the Reason for the Season.....Jesus!!
I don't have a picture yet for today for my December Daily Album, but I'm hoping to get one later on! I forgot to post yesterday and the 2nd so here is a picture from the 2nd for my album!
It's Monkey Bread...YUMM-O!!!!

I did not get a picture for yesterday, but I was able to get out a little bit to dollar tree to get Julie some reading workbooks and to Wal*Mart for a few more Christmas things....maybe I can get a picture of those! I also watched "Babes in Toyland" last night...WOW,Drew Barrymore was sooooooooo young in that one, lol!! I haven't seen that in Years!! It was pretty good, not to mention rather funny!!
Well, I better close for now...have alot to do today!
Peace to you all this Christmas Season!
Remember the Reason for the Season.....Jesus!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Happy First of December!!!
Today has been a pretty nice day.......fairly relaxing, doing some chores, and watching it snow outside! It really is starting to look like alot like Christmas! :)
Just look out our dining room doors!!! Isn't it pretty?!

Our littlest one thought that the snow looked so good that she decided to try eating some of it!

Well, I guess it's pretty good! LOLOL!!

I am also working on my December Daily Album......not quite done enough to get pics yet, but I will post them as I finish!
If you are wanting something scrappy to do this month, come on over to Scrap-Friendzy for our December Scrap Your Stash crop!! There are going to be 12 challenges and you have til the end of December to finish them! They will be very easy challenges since they know that this month is soooooo busy for everyone, and it will help you to get rid of some of that stash that's been building up for so long!! It's gonna be a busy, but fun month for everyone! Take care and God bless!
Just look out our dining room doors!!! Isn't it pretty?!

Our littlest one thought that the snow looked so good that she decided to try eating some of it!

Well, I guess it's pretty good! LOLOL!!

I am also working on my December Daily Album......not quite done enough to get pics yet, but I will post them as I finish!
If you are wanting something scrappy to do this month, come on over to Scrap-Friendzy for our December Scrap Your Stash crop!! There are going to be 12 challenges and you have til the end of December to finish them! They will be very easy challenges since they know that this month is soooooo busy for everyone, and it will help you to get rid of some of that stash that's been building up for so long!! It's gonna be a busy, but fun month for everyone! Take care and God bless!
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