And soooo many fun things are in store for the new year! The first thing going on to end 2010 and to start off 2011 is our church's annual New Year's Eve AD Free Party overnight party......(AD free = alcohol and drug free).....they have pizza, bounce houses, bands, speakers, games, contests, and all sorts of fun! It'll be a blast to say the least!
The second thing to start off the new year is a fun Sketch-A-Thon at all of you scrappers or card makers might just love this...all new sketches for you to be inspired by all month long for January 2011!! Come check it out! I know you'll love it!
The third thing is that I am trying to start my own photography business...I have a couple of names for it floating around in my head, but if you have any ideas for it, I would really love to hear them!!
The fourth thing is a BIG HUGE surprise that I have to share, but cannot share it until January 1, 2011!! I am soooo super duper pumped up excited, and I cannot wait to tell you all what it is!! You'll just have to wait a couple more days for the BIG HUGE surprise!!
Finally.......the new year of 2011 holds many many different events and situations to come.....I pray to the precious Lord above, that HE may direct my paths during this new year, and that HE may take all the Glory!!
Peace out folks
and God bless you!
About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
1 comment:
Hi...just wanted to stop by and say congrats on making SASSY LIL SKETCHES and cant wait to get to know you better and work with you!
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