Lately I have been wondering how my children will turn out as they get older. I see the attitude and actions of my almost ten year old, and she's acting more and more like a teenager already! My almost five year old is stomping her feet and screeching "Nooooooo!!" as loud as she can when I ask her to put away her toys. My patience sure get tested day to day with having children, lol!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my children with every beat of my heart......they are a JOY and a precious gift from the Lord, but........sometimes they just seem to get on that last nerve, lol!! What have I been doing wrong, why don't they listen??!! Hahahahaha.......well, well, well........the lightbulb finally came on the other night.... Have I been praying for my children?? I mean, REALLY PRAYING??!! Sure, I say prayers with them each and every night...BUT, what about MY prayers FOR THEIR little lives? Just like my grandma (who raised me) prayed for me....I want to do the same thing for my children......pray for their salvation, future mates, schooling, careers, friends, and all the problems that may come up in their lives...and everything else as well. I found this calendar on Pinterest the other day and thought it'd be a neat idea to start this.....officially I will start on May 31, but unofficially I need to do this each and everyday!! I would LOVE to get as many people on board with this to pray our children right into God's precious will for their lives and keep them there. Who's with me?!?! Here is the calendar chart that I found!
Here is a
calendar link where you can actually print out each day to make an actual little calendar to keep by your bed or wherever you pray, as a little reminder! OR, here is the actual
picture on Pinterest if you'd rather print that out! Either way or find your own calendar on Pinterest or somewhere......whatever you decide to do, just do it! Pray for your children!! I believe in the power of prayer and I need to trust my children to the Lord!! I hope to see some of you join me in this! Thanks for stopping by, and remember, keep your children covered in prayer!!
God bless!
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