And soooo many fun things are in store for the new year! The first thing going on to end 2010 and to start off 2011 is our church's annual New Year's Eve AD Free Party overnight party......(AD free = alcohol and drug free).....they have pizza, bounce houses, bands, speakers, games, contests, and all sorts of fun! It'll be a blast to say the least!
The second thing to start off the new year is a fun Sketch-A-Thon at all of you scrappers or card makers might just love this...all new sketches for you to be inspired by all month long for January 2011!! Come check it out! I know you'll love it!
The third thing is that I am trying to start my own photography business...I have a couple of names for it floating around in my head, but if you have any ideas for it, I would really love to hear them!!
The fourth thing is a BIG HUGE surprise that I have to share, but cannot share it until January 1, 2011!! I am soooo super duper pumped up excited, and I cannot wait to tell you all what it is!! You'll just have to wait a couple more days for the BIG HUGE surprise!!
Finally.......the new year of 2011 holds many many different events and situations to come.....I pray to the precious Lord above, that HE may direct my paths during this new year, and that HE may take all the Glory!!
Peace out folks
and God bless you!
About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
3 Days before Christmas!
Wow, can you believe it?! Christmas is just about takes so long to get here and then "POOF!", it's gone in a day! I am just about done wrapping presents, didn't have to get toooo many this year, lol!! I didn't make hardly any Christmas cookies this year, although dd Julie did make a few cutouts a couple of weeks ago, maybe I'll make some tonight! I'm just not stressing over anything this year, and you know's working! I'm not worried about anything......not worried if anyone likes their gift or not, not worried about cookies, or Christmas dinner......just taking it one day at a time and enjoying the season! I love it!! Especially the candy canes....yummy!! lol!!
Oh, I tried out for the Design team at Sassy Lil' Sketches so I'm waiting to hear back about that! I'm hoping that I make it, but if not, that's okay too, it's still a wonderful fun site that I enjoy being a part of!
Have a Merry Christmas season and a very Happy New Year 2011!! Peace! Lisa
Oh, I tried out for the Design team at Sassy Lil' Sketches so I'm waiting to hear back about that! I'm hoping that I make it, but if not, that's okay too, it's still a wonderful fun site that I enjoy being a part of!
Have a Merry Christmas season and a very Happy New Year 2011!! Peace! Lisa
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
STILL Snowing and Blowing......WOW!!!
Life is chilly here in western NY..Wow...this snow doesn't seem like it's going to stop........I'm already at the point where I want spring already!! haha!!

Well, today was rather a boring day.....didn't do a whole lot of housework, but I did make a short trip to our local library! It wasn't snowing tooo bad when I went. I found some good books for Julie to help her with her reading, and then I looked at some of the New Better Homes and Gardens Christmas books they had just put out! I found a cute book filled with crafty ornaments to make, so we'll see if I get creative enough to make some before Christmas actually gets here! LOL!!
Then, after Julie got home from school today, we worked on her homework and got that done........then I found a couple of pages from her reading workbook to do. I told her she's going to keep doing these workbook pages til she's reading and understanding what she reads very well!! Not sure how long it'll be, but I'm hoping it won't be tooooo long!

After her homework was done, after supper was finished, and after she and her sister played for awhile........we started to make some cut out cookies! I had the dough in the fridge, so I set it out to room temp today so it would be workable enough for us tonite! I showed Julie how I did things and then let her go to town, well, at least for a couple of cookie sheets anyhow, then we ran out of time for fun! It was time for bed soon, and SURVIVOR, can't forget that!!!! haha!!

Finally, mommy is having a little quiet time, well ALMOST quiet time......Rachel didn't go to sleep due to her cold and stuffy nose, so she's on the couch watching Calliou on netflix.

Maybe she'll fall asleep there, I don't know.......Mom's can dream, can't they?! haha!! Oh well, that's all for today....enjoy the pics and hopefully I'll remember to post tomorrow!

Well, today was rather a boring day.....didn't do a whole lot of housework, but I did make a short trip to our local library! It wasn't snowing tooo bad when I went. I found some good books for Julie to help her with her reading, and then I looked at some of the New Better Homes and Gardens Christmas books they had just put out! I found a cute book filled with crafty ornaments to make, so we'll see if I get creative enough to make some before Christmas actually gets here! LOL!!
Then, after Julie got home from school today, we worked on her homework and got that done........then I found a couple of pages from her reading workbook to do. I told her she's going to keep doing these workbook pages til she's reading and understanding what she reads very well!! Not sure how long it'll be, but I'm hoping it won't be tooooo long!

After her homework was done, after supper was finished, and after she and her sister played for awhile........we started to make some cut out cookies! I had the dough in the fridge, so I set it out to room temp today so it would be workable enough for us tonite! I showed Julie how I did things and then let her go to town, well, at least for a couple of cookie sheets anyhow, then we ran out of time for fun! It was time for bed soon, and SURVIVOR, can't forget that!!!! haha!!

Finally, mommy is having a little quiet time, well ALMOST quiet time......Rachel didn't go to sleep due to her cold and stuffy nose, so she's on the couch watching Calliou on netflix.

Maybe she'll fall asleep there, I don't know.......Mom's can dream, can't they?! haha!! Oh well, that's all for today....enjoy the pics and hopefully I'll remember to post tomorrow!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Snowing and blowing!
Wow, what a day it is here in western NY, it's snowing and blowing...AGAIN!! LOL..that's about all it ever seems to do in the winter here in this state, oh well, it's ok, I don't HAVE to go anywhere so I can stay all warm and cozy here at home! :)
Today is "Trying to catch up on Laundry Day"! I'm getting there, little by little!
I also found another wonderful scrappy message's called Sassy Lil' Sketches! They just opened their forum Dec. 2 and it looks to be a VERY friendly and fun board! Stop on over and let them know you found them from my blog!!
Well, need to get dd Rachel down for her nap, then hopefully I can catch up on some scrappiness! LOL!!
Have a great day bloggers and God bless you all!!
Today is "Trying to catch up on Laundry Day"! I'm getting there, little by little!
I also found another wonderful scrappy message's called Sassy Lil' Sketches! They just opened their forum Dec. 2 and it looks to be a VERY friendly and fun board! Stop on over and let them know you found them from my blog!!
Well, need to get dd Rachel down for her nap, then hopefully I can catch up on some scrappiness! LOL!!
Have a great day bloggers and God bless you all!!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It's Snowing!!
It's so pretty outside today! I love watching it snow, especially when it's the light pretty snow! Well, thinking about making some cookies today and maybe taking a trip to Erie, Pa.. Julie has been wanting another build a bear and I have a coupon for a free bear up to $12, so I forsee a Build-A-Bear trip! A good friend from college, Sarah, is also going to Erie to see one of her sons, so I might meet up with her as well as long as the weather permits!
I don't have a picture yet for today for my December Daily Album, but I'm hoping to get one later on! I forgot to post yesterday and the 2nd so here is a picture from the 2nd for my album!
It's Monkey Bread...YUMM-O!!!!

I did not get a picture for yesterday, but I was able to get out a little bit to dollar tree to get Julie some reading workbooks and to Wal*Mart for a few more Christmas things....maybe I can get a picture of those! I also watched "Babes in Toyland" last night...WOW,Drew Barrymore was sooooooooo young in that one, lol!! I haven't seen that in Years!! It was pretty good, not to mention rather funny!!
Well, I better close for now...have alot to do today!
Peace to you all this Christmas Season!
Remember the Reason for the Season.....Jesus!!
I don't have a picture yet for today for my December Daily Album, but I'm hoping to get one later on! I forgot to post yesterday and the 2nd so here is a picture from the 2nd for my album!
It's Monkey Bread...YUMM-O!!!!

I did not get a picture for yesterday, but I was able to get out a little bit to dollar tree to get Julie some reading workbooks and to Wal*Mart for a few more Christmas things....maybe I can get a picture of those! I also watched "Babes in Toyland" last night...WOW,Drew Barrymore was sooooooooo young in that one, lol!! I haven't seen that in Years!! It was pretty good, not to mention rather funny!!
Well, I better close for now...have alot to do today!
Peace to you all this Christmas Season!
Remember the Reason for the Season.....Jesus!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Happy First of December!!!
Today has been a pretty nice day.......fairly relaxing, doing some chores, and watching it snow outside! It really is starting to look like alot like Christmas! :)
Just look out our dining room doors!!! Isn't it pretty?!

Our littlest one thought that the snow looked so good that she decided to try eating some of it!

Well, I guess it's pretty good! LOLOL!!

I am also working on my December Daily Album......not quite done enough to get pics yet, but I will post them as I finish!
If you are wanting something scrappy to do this month, come on over to Scrap-Friendzy for our December Scrap Your Stash crop!! There are going to be 12 challenges and you have til the end of December to finish them! They will be very easy challenges since they know that this month is soooooo busy for everyone, and it will help you to get rid of some of that stash that's been building up for so long!! It's gonna be a busy, but fun month for everyone! Take care and God bless!
Just look out our dining room doors!!! Isn't it pretty?!

Our littlest one thought that the snow looked so good that she decided to try eating some of it!

Well, I guess it's pretty good! LOLOL!!

I am also working on my December Daily Album......not quite done enough to get pics yet, but I will post them as I finish!
If you are wanting something scrappy to do this month, come on over to Scrap-Friendzy for our December Scrap Your Stash crop!! There are going to be 12 challenges and you have til the end of December to finish them! They will be very easy challenges since they know that this month is soooooo busy for everyone, and it will help you to get rid of some of that stash that's been building up for so long!! It's gonna be a busy, but fun month for everyone! Take care and God bless!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tree Decorating Night!
Well, last night we actually decorated our Christmas tree with some ornaments.....some old ones and some new shiny red bulbs that I bought today! Julie had fun putting some icicles on the tree as well! Rachel just ran around bugging her sister and eating a candy cane, lol!! Aaaahhh, such is life! Here are some pics for ya!

It was so much fun watching julie decorate the tree.......although I did rearrange some bulbs and ornaments to spread them around a bit and not have them all gathered together in a few spots........I know, I know....I should've just left them where she put them, but.......I couldn't do it, lol!! Well, maybe I will see if I can find my christmas houses to put up someplace.....I know they are here somewhere! I found our stockings yesterday too, so those will go up on the fireplace. I really hope to get some scrappy time today, it would make me happy!!!........I really want to start a December Daily album and get some Christmas gifts made!!

It was so much fun watching julie decorate the tree.......although I did rearrange some bulbs and ornaments to spread them around a bit and not have them all gathered together in a few spots........I know, I know....I should've just left them where she put them, but.......I couldn't do it, lol!! Well, maybe I will see if I can find my christmas houses to put up someplace.....I know they are here somewhere! I found our stockings yesterday too, so those will go up on the fireplace. I really hope to get some scrappy time today, it would make me happy!!!........I really want to start a December Daily album and get some Christmas gifts made!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Wow, has it REALLY been since September since I last blogged?? I really need to be better about this.......good thing New Year's is coming up so I can make my resolution to do just that! Be a better blogger! Then again, why do I need to wait til New Year's, I can just start now, right??!! Right! Well, we'll see how well I actually do, lol!!
Well, I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is next week.....for some reason, it just doesn't seem possible, this year has been flying by so quickly! It really has been a good year all in all.....thank the Lord above!! I am praying that 2011 will be even better! I really feel that it's gonna be THE year that I REALLY buckle down and start getting healthy....although, I'm already making small changes now! :)
Thanksgiving 2010.......I have sooooo much to be thankful for! I don't have room to list everything, but a few of the many blessings that God has blessed me with are: my husband, my two little girls, my church, my home, my family and friends, and my health. I love Thanksgiving Day to spend with the family and just have a quiet day together. I hope and pray that all of you have a Blessed Thanksgiving as well.......enjoy your families and be thankful for what the Good Lord Above as provided for you!
Til next time!
Well, I can hardly believe that Thanksgiving is next week.....for some reason, it just doesn't seem possible, this year has been flying by so quickly! It really has been a good year all in all.....thank the Lord above!! I am praying that 2011 will be even better! I really feel that it's gonna be THE year that I REALLY buckle down and start getting healthy....although, I'm already making small changes now! :)
Thanksgiving 2010.......I have sooooo much to be thankful for! I don't have room to list everything, but a few of the many blessings that God has blessed me with are: my husband, my two little girls, my church, my home, my family and friends, and my health. I love Thanksgiving Day to spend with the family and just have a quiet day together. I hope and pray that all of you have a Blessed Thanksgiving as well.......enjoy your families and be thankful for what the Good Lord Above as provided for you!
Til next time!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
September 1, 2010
Wow, the first day of September! I cannot believe it, where has the summer gone?! Well, today is my first official day for being Guest Designer at My Sketch World! You can check out the announcement on their blog here! MSW is a wonderful scrapbooking site with wonderful people and wonderful layouts filled with inspiration! If you ever stop by, please let them know I sent you! I'd love to see you there! Here is my first layout as Guest Designer:

I hope to show you many more new layouts from my time as Guest Designer, so stay tuned!!
Today also is the first day of Scrap U at Scrap-Friendzy! Come back to school for scrapbooking and check out all the fun stuff they have planned!!

I hope to show you many more new layouts from my time as Guest Designer, so stay tuned!!
Today also is the first day of Scrap U at Scrap-Friendzy! Come back to school for scrapbooking and check out all the fun stuff they have planned!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Summer is ALMOST over!!!
Here are my two little girls at the end of summer!

I can't believe that summer has come and "almost" gone so quickly! School starts up for us here in my part of NY on September 7, so I'm looking forward to that! Mommy hopefully will get a LITTLE more quiet time while dd Julie is at school for the day! BUT, with dd Rachel on the move and getting into things now, I might be just as busy, we'll see!
Another good thing about summer being almost over is that I get to start my position as Guest Designer for My Sketch World on September 1!!! Yay!! I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to this. It's a wonderful wonderful place to be and always soooooo much going on! Tons and tons of inspiration as well, stop by when you get the chance!
Another place for scrappy inspiration is Scrap-Friendzy! They have Scrap-U going on starting September can bet there will be alot of back to school type challenges and fun! Check this wonderful place out as well if you get the chance!

I can't believe that summer has come and "almost" gone so quickly! School starts up for us here in my part of NY on September 7, so I'm looking forward to that! Mommy hopefully will get a LITTLE more quiet time while dd Julie is at school for the day! BUT, with dd Rachel on the move and getting into things now, I might be just as busy, we'll see!
Another good thing about summer being almost over is that I get to start my position as Guest Designer for My Sketch World on September 1!!! Yay!! I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to this. It's a wonderful wonderful place to be and always soooooo much going on! Tons and tons of inspiration as well, stop by when you get the chance!
Another place for scrappy inspiration is Scrap-Friendzy! They have Scrap-U going on starting September can bet there will be alot of back to school type challenges and fun! Check this wonderful place out as well if you get the chance!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Exciting News Day!!
First exciting piece of news is: today is our 14th wedding anniversary........yep, hubby and I have been married for 14 years.......doesn't seem that long yet! LOL! We are going to dinner tonite and maybe a movie, we'll see how long grammy wants to watch the girls for?!! LOL
Second piece of exciting news is: I am going to be Guest Designer for the month of September at My Sketch World! Yay me!!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited and very thankful to Lucy for giving me this chance! You rock Lucy!!
Other than that, not much else going on today........
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day!
Take care and God bless!
Second piece of exciting news is: I am going to be Guest Designer for the month of September at My Sketch World! Yay me!!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited and very thankful to Lucy for giving me this chance! You rock Lucy!!
Other than that, not much else going on today........
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day!
Take care and God bless!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Aaaah, It's Friday!!!!!!!
I just LOVE Fridays, but they always seem to come and go so quickly! Well, not much planned for today, just taking Julie, Rachel, and our nephew Gauge to the beach today to play and have fun, and HOPEFULLY mommy can relax a little bit! LOL I am sooo hoping to scrap tonite, it's been a few days and I really need some scrappy therapy! Speaking of scrappiness, starting in September, there is going to be some fun going on at Scrap-Friendzy!! They are having a scrappy U for some back to school/college fun! I hope you'll think about coming and seeing what it's all about! Tell them that Lisa sent you! Hope to see you there! U can either click on the link above or go to the scrappy U logo to the left! Have a wonderful day!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
It's Been Waaaay Too Long!
This is a card from the ABC Summer crop going on at My Sketch World this month.
The challenge for the letter "A" is adornment....bling and sparkle on a card!

This layout is for the letter "B" challenge - border punches (but, since I didn't have any border punches, they let me use my deco scissors and my wavy cutter!

This card is for the letter "C" challenge - Clouds on a card
Usually I'm not very good at making cards, but I was fairly happy with these!

Wow, I can't believe it's been since June that I've posted! What a bad blogger I am, lol! Well, I've been taking it easy this summer....and the girls and I have been having a blast! Julie has been taking swimming lessons and Rachel plays at the beach playground and I sit at the picnic tables and relax and chat with the girls there. What a blessing this beach has been this summer, omgoodness!! Julie has been going ALMOST everyday for free swim......missed a few days here and there, but for the most part, we've been there most of the summer.
I've been doing a little bit of scrappiness this summer too. I've been involved with Scrap Friendzy's scrap camp called Camp Friendzy.....that's been helping to make the summer fun too! My girlz there are sooooo wonderful and sooooo talented! If you get a chance, stop by and say hello, maybe even join if you feel up the challenge!
I've also gone back to one of my other scrappy sites........My Sketch World owned by Lucy Chesna..........she and the girls there are sooooooo wonderful as well and also, another VERY talented scrappy board!!
Well, today was our youngest daughter's birthday.........I cannot believe that she turned 2 today! Where has the time gone?! We celebrated down at grammy's house and what a lovely day it was too.........sunshine, cool breezes, no humidity.......just perfect! Pictures to follow soon!
Today is also the year anniversary of my father passing away.......I didn't really get to know him, but he and I were in the process of getting to know one another and I wish that I would've been able to. I had soooooo many questions for him, and I also wanted him to see his only two granddaughters. Maybe someday we will see him again.
The challenge for the letter "A" is adornment....bling and sparkle on a card!

This layout is for the letter "B" challenge - border punches (but, since I didn't have any border punches, they let me use my deco scissors and my wavy cutter!

This card is for the letter "C" challenge - Clouds on a card
Usually I'm not very good at making cards, but I was fairly happy with these!

Wow, I can't believe it's been since June that I've posted! What a bad blogger I am, lol! Well, I've been taking it easy this summer....and the girls and I have been having a blast! Julie has been taking swimming lessons and Rachel plays at the beach playground and I sit at the picnic tables and relax and chat with the girls there. What a blessing this beach has been this summer, omgoodness!! Julie has been going ALMOST everyday for free swim......missed a few days here and there, but for the most part, we've been there most of the summer.
I've been doing a little bit of scrappiness this summer too. I've been involved with Scrap Friendzy's scrap camp called Camp Friendzy.....that's been helping to make the summer fun too! My girlz there are sooooo wonderful and sooooo talented! If you get a chance, stop by and say hello, maybe even join if you feel up the challenge!
I've also gone back to one of my other scrappy sites........My Sketch World owned by Lucy Chesna..........she and the girls there are sooooooo wonderful as well and also, another VERY talented scrappy board!!
Well, today was our youngest daughter's birthday.........I cannot believe that she turned 2 today! Where has the time gone?! We celebrated down at grammy's house and what a lovely day it was too.........sunshine, cool breezes, no humidity.......just perfect! Pictures to follow soon!
Today is also the year anniversary of my father passing away.......I didn't really get to know him, but he and I were in the process of getting to know one another and I wish that I would've been able to. I had soooooo many questions for him, and I also wanted him to see his only two granddaughters. Maybe someday we will see him again.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
It's Finally June!! Yay!!
June is finally here.......that means that school is almost out and summer is right around the corner! Summer also means, time for summer camp! Not just ANY summer camp, summer SCRAP CAMP at CAMP-FRIENDZY hosted by Scrap-Friendzy! Camp Friendzy starts June 4th, so be on the lookout for a great summer filled with scrapping activities and challenges and contests!! You could be the next camper of the year! Please come and check out this great site, you'll be glad you did!! You can also click on the Camp-Friendzy logo to the left to take you there! Hope to see you at camp, maybe we'll be in the same cabin or have the same counselor! LOLOL!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Rainy Sunday
Well, last night we went to the AMVETS Installation was pretty nice. Good friends, good food, what more could ya ask for? LOL! Anyhow..... here are a couple of pictures to share!
Mark and I

Grammy with her gifts and Life membership for AMVETS

Rachel and Mommy

Julie and Mommy acting goofy

And......just me!
Mark and I

Grammy with her gifts and Life membership for AMVETS

Rachel and Mommy

Julie and Mommy acting goofy

And......just me!

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday at the Park and birthday month at FH2S!
This has been such a fun month at From Here 2 Scrapternity....we are having a birthday bash over there!! There was even a challenge to bake a birthday cake, but in order to get the points, we had to have a picture taken of it with US in the picture! I did get a pic of me with the cake, but I also took a pic of one of my dd's and her cousin with it too, cuz they were the ones that help to make the cake! Here are the pics!

Today was such a gorgeous spring day, still a little bit chilly, but oh so sunny out! Sooooooo, dd Julie wanted to go to one of the playgrounds around, so I said yes! Her little sister Rachel loved it there too! I think I am going to have some fun pics to scrap from these!!

Today was such a gorgeous spring day, still a little bit chilly, but oh so sunny out! Sooooooo, dd Julie wanted to go to one of the playgrounds around, so I said yes! Her little sister Rachel loved it there too! I think I am going to have some fun pics to scrap from these!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Weekend is Here!
Yay, the weekend is here and that can mean scrappy time for me!! Yay!!! There is a Big Birthday Bash going on over at From Here 2 Scrapternity this month....ALL month long! Fabulous challenges, games, inspirations, prizes, and most of all....people! The people over there are the bestest!! Come on over and check it out! Just click on the yellow birthday blinkie to the left, and it'll take you right over!
I am sure hoping for scrappy time this weekend! Hubby is working on his car project and the girls are either sleeping, playing, or watching a movie! Soooooo, that should mean that mommy can get a little time to herself too, right??!! Not always, but I sure hope to!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
I am sure hoping for scrappy time this weekend! Hubby is working on his car project and the girls are either sleeping, playing, or watching a movie! Soooooo, that should mean that mommy can get a little time to herself too, right??!! Not always, but I sure hope to!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Spring is in the Air!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Birthday Bash still going on at FH2S!!
Please come check out the birthday bash celebration at From Here 2 Scrapternity!! We are having loads and loads of fun, and would LOVE to have you join us!! Lots of cool stuff going on!! AND not to mention, cool prizes up for grabs too!! Come take a look!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
FH2S 4th Birthday Party Celebration!!!!!
WoooooHoooooo!! FH2S (From Here 2 Scrapternity) scrapbooking site is celebrating their 4th birthday this month.......there will be lots of games, challenges, prizes, chatting, and all sorts of cool stuff going on there........please come check it out!!! Just click on the yellow birthday blinkie over on the left! See you there!! Let them know where you heard about it too!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Loooong Winter!
I am hoping this winter is now finally over! It's been a bad winter for the girls this year.......they've been sick pretty much the whole winter! Rachel just got over having hives........still not exactly sure what she was allergic too, and hoping it won't happen again! The girls and I are sooooo ready for the warmer weather to be here so we can be outside!
It looks like it might be a nice day today! I sure hope so! I am ready for SPRING! I'm doing a little bit of spring cleaning today....need to get the kitchen and Julie's bathroom all clean and spiffy! Well, we'll see how far I get! Laterz!
It looks like it might be a nice day today! I sure hope so! I am ready for SPRING! I'm doing a little bit of spring cleaning today....need to get the kitchen and Julie's bathroom all clean and spiffy! Well, we'll see how far I get! Laterz!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sickly St. Patty's Day
Poor Julie is sick again.......she was sick just a couple of weeks or so we find out that she has strep throat.....great, just great!! Well, at least I think we caught this early.......I'm glad that I got her to the doc right away and not wait for a day this time....hopefully she'll start feeling better soon with her's hoping!! I also hope that Rachel will not get sick....I don't think I could handle that too!! I'd appreciate any and all prayers! Thanks!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
In Like a Lamb!!
Wow, March came in like a lamb this year........that can't be good news can it? Just means most likely that it'll leave like a lion! I hope not cuz I am sooooo ready for spring like weather! I want warmer days so I can be outside!! Sometimes winter can be so depressing, there's just something about the sunshine and warm weather that beats those cold weather blues.
Well, not much to say for today........maybe I'll be back a little later!
Well, not much to say for today........maybe I'll be back a little later!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
FH2S Guest Designer Term almost over........
I can't believe how fast this month has flown by, WOWZERS!! I've had a ton of fun being the guest designer at FH2S (From Here 2 Scrapternity).....what a great bunch of ladies and such wonderful inspiration in the gallery! Thanks to Pam and Linda for a great month! I had fun doing crop challenges too for this month! Stay tuned for my Guest Designer monthly layout releases soon!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A Little over Halfway through!
A little over halfway through February, and also a little over halfway through my guest designer term at From Here 2 Scrapternity! I can't believe how fast this month is flying by!! I have also been invited to a new scrappy site called In A Scrap Creations by my scrappy friend Amanda! Thanks girl!! Looks like it'll be a pretty cool place to hang out!
I haven't had alot of time for scrapping lately, due to my girls being sick, and also myself being sick.....wintertime sure stinks at times! Well, hopefully this tylenol nighttime for colds will kick in soon! LOL! Maybe I'll get a good night's rest tonite! Here's hoping!!
Well, at From Here 2 Scrapternity, we just finished up our monthly crop this past, it was sooooo much fun, but I couldn't participate as much as I had hoped, due to me getting sick, but I did mangage to get a couple challenges done! Here are a couple of the challenges that I came up with for the crop!
Here is my "I {heart} U! was an altered challenge to either use the actual "I {heart} U! or to use an actual heart in place of the word and could be interpreted however you was fun to see all the creations! Here is mine:

And here is my "Message in a bottle" challenge.....which was another altered challenge.....either have the message in or outside of the bottle, didn't really matter, but it had to have a heart on it, and some bling! Here is my example:

Well, stay tuned for more scrappiness, hopefully in the near future! Have a great day!!
I haven't had alot of time for scrapping lately, due to my girls being sick, and also myself being sick.....wintertime sure stinks at times! Well, hopefully this tylenol nighttime for colds will kick in soon! LOL! Maybe I'll get a good night's rest tonite! Here's hoping!!
Well, at From Here 2 Scrapternity, we just finished up our monthly crop this past, it was sooooo much fun, but I couldn't participate as much as I had hoped, due to me getting sick, but I did mangage to get a couple challenges done! Here are a couple of the challenges that I came up with for the crop!
Here is my "I {heart} U! was an altered challenge to either use the actual "I {heart} U! or to use an actual heart in place of the word and could be interpreted however you was fun to see all the creations! Here is mine:

And here is my "Message in a bottle" challenge.....which was another altered challenge.....either have the message in or outside of the bottle, didn't really matter, but it had to have a heart on it, and some bling! Here is my example:

Well, stay tuned for more scrappiness, hopefully in the near future! Have a great day!!
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