About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Day 25......Christmas Day!

Sunday, December 23, 2012
Day 23
Today is the 23rd day in my Christmas Advent Calendar......this morning was a special morning at church......the children portrayed a real live Advent Calendar for their yearly Christmas program. Each child had a numbered day of the month, and a surprise to share with everyone! My oldest was Dec. 2, a snowflake, maybe we'll get a white Christmas! My youngest was Dec. 8, a candy cane, a very sweet ornament! Julie, the oldest, said her lines and sang the songs with the other children, but my youngest just stood up in front for a few minutes covering her face and crying.....aaahhh, the life of a 4 year old in front of the congregation, lol!! I moved up front to get a picture of all the children when I noticed Rachel standing there covering her face......had to get a picture of her too.....she must've seen the flash cuz then she saw me and came running down to me.......ah well, we tried!! Sorry Ms. Debbie!! Oh well, the rest of the program went on without a hitch!

Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 22 of the Christmas Advent Countdown

Friday, December 21, 2012
Day 21
Well, we're still here!! It's not the end of the world yet as we know it! Nobody knows the time or place says the Lord above!! I'm listening to Him! ;)
Well, it's been a busy past few days......I haven't written anything since Dec. 14th...not bad compared to how bad I usually am about blogging.......I am getting better, but I need to be in the habit of doing it everyday! Well, just about all the Christmas presents are wrapped, more cookies need to be made, gingerbread houses might be made tomorrow or sunday afternoon, and it's finally snowing....YAY, a white Christmas hopefully afterall! Here are some pictures of my girls making and decorating some cutout cookies!
Well, that's all for today.......will try try TRY to be better about posting! Til then, Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2012
Day 14 of Christmas Advent Countdown

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day 12 of Christmas Advent Countdown - Sick Girl Home
Today was a stay at home day for our oldest daughter.......she was sick so I kept her home from school. Going to keep her home tomorrow as well to rest up.....AND to study for her tests she has in science and reading on Friday! Other than that, it was a fairly quiet day here at home......this afternoon we played some Monopoly too, that was a fun time! Now tonight, after everyone is in bed, I am watching some Christmas movies on youtube since we don't get cable or tv....and I've watched just about all the Christmas movies on netflix sooooo, I needed some other place to watch them from, lol!! Well, back to watching "The Ultimate Christmas Present"! See ya tomorrow!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 11 - Christmas Advent Countdown
Well, today is Day 11......the days are quickly going by........I didn't get time to post the past few days, but I did get a couple pictures of things!
Day 8 my daughter helped her Girl Scout Troop host a Christmas Dinner for our little town......it was a free dinner for the whole community.....the girls really worked hard on it.
Day 9 Daddy got a cute picture of your youngest daughter, and I got some more christmas tree pics! lol!!
Day 10 was just kind of a blah day......wasn't feeling all that great, didn't do hardly anything and didn't get any pictures either.....oops!
Today, Day 11, I took some pictures of the ornaments I made this past Saturday night with some ladies from church!
Well, that's about it for today........yeah, I know, real exciting, lol!! But hey, that's all I got for now! Have a great day and a blessed Christmas season!!

Thursday, December 6, 2012
Night 6 - Christmas Letters from SANTA CLAUS!!!!!!
Oh my goodness.......today after getting Julie's homework from school cuz she forgot it......we stopped to get the mail and guess what was in there........Yep, LETTERS FROM SANTA CLAUS!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my, the girls were soooooooooooo EXCITED to say the least...... this was one of those kodak moments.........but, didn't have my camera handy right then and there, BUT...........we got pictures after they opened them!!
Happy happy excited girls with their Santa Letters!!!! Yay!!!!!
They even got magic santa bags to hang on the tree.......Santa will put something special in it on Christmas eve to let the girls know that he was there to visit them! Soooooooooo cool!!!!!
I think my girls will surely remember their first Christmas in their new house for years to come!! "Santa Claus" sure made this a Christmas to remember!! Love you Santa!!

Day 4, 5, and 6 of the Christmas Advent Countdown
I'm sorry...... I didn't post for day 4 or 5.....wasn't feeling my best so I rested quite a bit. I am back feeling pretty good today! ;)
Day 4 of our Christmas Advent Countdown was such a GORGEOUS day outside!! It was warm and sunny, very unusual for this time of year, especially here in northern PA! Here are a couple pictures I took that day so I could remember it!
This is of our backyard view!
These are some of my snowmen that I collect!
(and a Santa that I got at Joann's a couple of years ago for $2.00 at an after Christmas sale! SCORE!!)
and here is another snowman and some pictures I have on my sunroom window sill.
Day 5 was kind of a blah day......I slept again for most of the morning and didn't get a whole lot done, but, I did get a couple pictures for the Christmas countdown.
Just a cool picture of part of the tree, lol!
One of my favorite ornaments.....from the Christmas show "Rudolph":
And another favorite, my snowman "Noel" ornament:
Day 6 of our Christmas Advent Countdown is another beautiful day filled with sunshine! Thank you Lord for this gorgeous weather!! I am hoping to work on a pinterest project today.......scrabble tile ornaments!! We'll see if I get time and if they turn out okay!! Maybe I'll post some pictures later!! Better get to work!

Monday, December 3, 2012
Day 3 Christmas Advent Countdown
Today was opening box number 3 of our daily advent calendar......it held a few chocolate surprises!! No activities for today for that, but I did get some wrapping started tonight!! Hahaha, the girls were sooooo excited that I was starting to wrap presents, they wanted to come in and help me, but mommy was mean and said NO!! Gotta have some surprises on Christmas morning, lol!! Here is what I accomplished tonight, well, a little part of it anyways, lol!!
The girls helped me to bring the presents in and put them under the tree, THAT was the ONLY part they could help with tonight! The cat wanted in on the playing with the ribbon, but I wouldn't let her......she got upset with me and wanted to go outside....here she is waiting by the door!!
I was going to bake some cookies tonight, but didn't get a chance to do that, will do that tomorrow morning!! I did however put up a couple SMALL decorations tonight, nothing major, but still adds a little festive touch.........
Well, that's about it.........I have put the girls to bed for the night, and I am settled down watching a movie on youtube........"November Christmas". So far it seems like a very touching Christmas story! I better get going so I can watch my movie! Merry Christmas and blessings to you all and your families!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012
Day 2 of the Christmas Advent Countdown
Today I was supposed to do a crafty thing together with my girls........that didn't happen, well kind of, but not a christmas craft like I was hoping.......Julie started on her knotted blanket today and also finished it.........she's camera shy tonight so I didn't get any pics of her with it....sorry!!! :( I did get some pics of my snowmen hanging around the house, my new Santa figurine, and some other christmas-y decor!!
I just looooooove Christmas, it's my favorite holiday! Tomorrow I need to bake some cookies and we'll see what other Christmas decor I can come up with!
Peace be with you this Christmas and always!

Saturday, December 1, 2012
Start of the Christmas Season!
Wow, December 1, 2012 already! I just can't believe it! I am so excited to be celebrating in our new home here in PA.....it's soooo nice to be settled and in our own place! Thank the Lord for all his many blessings and providing for us! Here is a picture of our house with our Christmas lights on it! Not too much yet, but I think it looks pretty nice!
Today, being December 1, was also the first day of our Advent Countdown Calendar......today's activity was to make some fudge, soooooo, here is our fudge we made, with a little bit of Christmas decor!
I'm looking forward to a very special Christmas holiday this year......I plan on going all out on decorations, well, as much as I can anyways, lol!! Stay tuned for more pictures and more Christmas fun!
Merry Christmas!
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