My little Peanut Pie is doing better........thank you for the prayers and her doctor. She gave her some nice meds to help her horrible cough die out. She is still coughing a little bit, but not anything like what she has been. I am so very thankful for her wonderful PCP at our local office.........they are sooooo awesome!!! She is playing tonight with her sister and they are yelling and fighting.......YUP, back to normal again!! lol!
We do have our tree up also! I just love Christmas! Yes, I realize Thanksgiving hasn't happened just yet, but I love my Christmas!!! I could have Christmas all year through!! Well, short blog tonight. God bless you all!!
About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Prayers for Peanut Pie
As I sit here at my computer tonight, I can hear the dryer going and I can hear my little Peanut Pie coughing at times. I pray that the Lord will touch my little girl tonight, help her fever to break, and help her cough to go away. I know that kids get sick at times when they are little, but boy oh boy, my heart just breaks and the worry sets in with this Momma when my girls are sick. I wanna do anything and everything I can to make them better yesterday! But, I know it doesn't really happen like that, although that would be wonderful if it did. All I can do is give them the proper medicines, lots of water and fluids, lots of hugs, and lots of prayers! My God loves me, loves my girls, and my family. He will take care of my girls............I need to set my worries aside and know that He is in control.
Have a good night, sleep well, and if you are reading this tonight, please say extra prayers for my little girl. Thank you and God bless!
Have a good night, sleep well, and if you are reading this tonight, please say extra prayers for my little girl. Thank you and God bless!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Fall is almost over........
Yep, Fall is almost over and winter weather will be here shortly!! That means, more craftiness and scrapping inside, and some holiday baking coming up!! AND decorating for Christmas!! Yay!!
Today was a very good oldest finished her Science Fair Project.........a couple days ahead of schedule! WoooooooHooooooo!!! I told her, if you get it finished, you can have the rest of the weekend to do your Minecraft papercrafting!! I am sooooooo sneaky!! lol!! Well, it worked though! Go Mom!!! Now we don't have to worry about that tomorrow. BUT, I DO have to help my youngest decorate a paper turkey to bring back to school........oh well, good thing I have scrappy supplies to help with that!! Yay for crafty time with my little one!
Now since I didn't post any Halloween or Fall type pictures, I figured I had better get some of those in! Here they are!!
My oldest carving her pumpkin!
My youngest(in the cheetah vest) and her friend, with the pumpkins.JPG)
My two goofballs!

My two beauties!!

Halloween costumes: Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) and Stampy Longnose (Minecraft)

For those of my friends and followers, just a reminder!!!!.................
There is a Pinspirational scrapbooking crop that My Scraps and More is having right now!!! It is happening until Nov. 16! So you don't have any excuse not to get in a little bit of scrappin' or craftin'!! You do NOT need to know how to do pinterest or even have an account to join in this scrappy crop, you just need to stop on over and check it out!! I have not yet had any time this weekend for scrapping, but I am indeed going to make some time this coming week to join in cuz I need some scrappy mojo again!! I just recently finished my december daily album, now I need to do some regular pages and also work on some Christmas crafty gifts!!
Hope ya'all had a Happy Fall and are ready for some much cooler weather that's a comin'!!!
Let me be the first to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and an early MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Today was a very good oldest finished her Science Fair Project.........a couple days ahead of schedule! WoooooooHooooooo!!! I told her, if you get it finished, you can have the rest of the weekend to do your Minecraft papercrafting!! I am sooooooo sneaky!! lol!! Well, it worked though! Go Mom!!! Now we don't have to worry about that tomorrow. BUT, I DO have to help my youngest decorate a paper turkey to bring back to school........oh well, good thing I have scrappy supplies to help with that!! Yay for crafty time with my little one!
Now since I didn't post any Halloween or Fall type pictures, I figured I had better get some of those in! Here they are!!
My oldest carving her pumpkin!
My youngest(in the cheetah vest) and her friend, with the pumpkins
My two goofballs!
My two beauties!!
Halloween costumes: Dorothy (Wizard of Oz) and Stampy Longnose (Minecraft)
For those of my friends and followers, just a reminder!!!!.................
There is a Pinspirational scrapbooking crop that My Scraps and More is having right now!!! It is happening until Nov. 16! So you don't have any excuse not to get in a little bit of scrappin' or craftin'!! You do NOT need to know how to do pinterest or even have an account to join in this scrappy crop, you just need to stop on over and check it out!! I have not yet had any time this weekend for scrapping, but I am indeed going to make some time this coming week to join in cuz I need some scrappy mojo again!! I just recently finished my december daily album, now I need to do some regular pages and also work on some Christmas crafty gifts!!
Hope ya'all had a Happy Fall and are ready for some much cooler weather that's a comin'!!!
Let me be the first to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and an early MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Wow, November is here already!
Where did October go?!! I can't believe that I skipped the entire month........ I was going to be so faithful.......ugh!! Well, if at first you don't succeed, try try again! So, here goes!
Well, it's the first part of November 2014. Thanksgiving is coming up at the end of the month and will be here before we know it! Then Christmas!!!! Then New Year's!!! Okay Lisa, you are getting way ahead of yourself, let's slow down a little bit. Okay................ now............
I have been back at My Scraps and More quite a bit lately too......feels good to be back with my scrappy friends and getting inspired!! I participated in the October Kit swap with a few other ladies. We each sent a "Kit" of our stash of scrappy supplies to someone else, for them to make a page with! Here is the page that I made and the goodies that I received!!

My Scraps and More is going to be holding a Pinspirational crop November 7 - 16.......I'd love for you to stop by and check it out!! It'll be "Pinspirational!"
I am still doing my monthly meal planning, so far it's been working out pretty well! I go grocery shopping tomorrow for this month. I can't wait to see how that goes!! I try to get as much as I can for as LITTLE as I can! hahaha! Using my coupons (what I have of them, lol!) and price matching other stores at Walmart! Last month I spent $270 for my total bill for the ONE trip, and that pretty much lasted us for the entire month. We have four people in our family, so I thought that was pretty good. We did have to get milk, bread, and cereal a few times throughout the month, oh, and coffee once for me, lol.............but other than that, I think we did pretty fabulously! A couple of the meals my girls didn't really care for, so we won't put those into the rotation again .............. we will try some new ones and stick to the meals that we know as well.
Other than that, I have been busy crafting my December Daily album!

Well, that's all for tonight. I hope to be back soon with more scrappy goodness, or meal planning tips/ideas, couponing, or just crafting or something!!! Take care and God bless!! Lisa
Well, it's the first part of November 2014. Thanksgiving is coming up at the end of the month and will be here before we know it! Then Christmas!!!! Then New Year's!!! Okay Lisa, you are getting way ahead of yourself, let's slow down a little bit. Okay................ now............
I have been back at My Scraps and More quite a bit lately too......feels good to be back with my scrappy friends and getting inspired!! I participated in the October Kit swap with a few other ladies. We each sent a "Kit" of our stash of scrappy supplies to someone else, for them to make a page with! Here is the page that I made and the goodies that I received!!
My Scraps and More is going to be holding a Pinspirational crop November 7 - 16.......I'd love for you to stop by and check it out!! It'll be "Pinspirational!"
I am still doing my monthly meal planning, so far it's been working out pretty well! I go grocery shopping tomorrow for this month. I can't wait to see how that goes!! I try to get as much as I can for as LITTLE as I can! hahaha! Using my coupons (what I have of them, lol!) and price matching other stores at Walmart! Last month I spent $270 for my total bill for the ONE trip, and that pretty much lasted us for the entire month. We have four people in our family, so I thought that was pretty good. We did have to get milk, bread, and cereal a few times throughout the month, oh, and coffee once for me, lol.............but other than that, I think we did pretty fabulously! A couple of the meals my girls didn't really care for, so we won't put those into the rotation again .............. we will try some new ones and stick to the meals that we know as well.
Other than that, I have been busy crafting my December Daily album!
Well, that's all for tonight. I hope to be back soon with more scrappy goodness, or meal planning tips/ideas, couponing, or just crafting or something!!! Take care and God bless!! Lisa
December Daily,
Meal Planning,
Thursday, September 4, 2014
September is Here!
Yay, Autumn is upon us.........well, almost anyhow! I probably won't see toooo much color around here til October sometime, but, I guess that's what I get for moving to Oklahoma from NY and PA!! Well, at least there will be SOME colors to look at within a little bit of a drive from Owasso! I love going for road trips.......especially to the Tallgrass Prairie to photograph all the bison..........they are just beautiful to watch, and the country out there is is just so calming for me. I LOVE the country and hope to live there again someday soon!! Well, since I have been on a quest to be more organized in things the past couple of years, this fall I have started to do Meal Planning for the month. I just started, so we'll see how it goes! If you'd like to see a sample of my menu, here it is:
September Menu 2014
Monday Sept. 1.........hamb. and hot dogs
wed....................pork chops (crockpot)
thurs..................crockpot chicken and biscuits
frid...................individual pizzas and/or leftovers
sunday.................grill day
Monday Sept. 8.........meatloaf
tues...................enchiladas (crockpot).....spirit night sonic
wed....................spaghetti and meatballs
thurs..................baked chicken
friday.................tailgate party/fall picnic at school
saturday...............grill day
sunday.................roast (crockpot)
Monday Sept. 15........(crockpot) beef stew
wed....................crockpot chicken and noodles
thurs..................bbq pork chops crockpot
friday.................Lasagna rollups
saturday...............Out to eat?
sunday.................grill day
Monday Sept. 22........Stuffed pasta shells
tuesday................enchiladas...............spirit night freddy's
wed....................crockpot pork chops
thurs..................spaghetti and meatballs
sunday.................grill day
Monday Sept. 29........Meatloaf
tues...................Pancake breakfast
I might have to make some adjustments through the month, but for now........this is a rough schedule for us! I even did my grocery shopping for just about the entire month as well! Bought all our meat at Sam's Club and spent $189, and most of the non perishables and other fresh food at our local Walmart for $164! I'm pretty sure we'll have to go to the store at least once a week for milk, bread, Oj, or something that we run out of...........but at least we have a plan for each day, each week, and the whole month. No more guessing what's for dinner at 4pm every night!!! lol!! I will continue to update and let everyone know how things are going. I am also trying to use coupons to cut costs as well. Keep a look out and see what's goin' on.........if you have any good recipes or other meals that might sound good, let me know! Thanks and have a wonderful day! Lisa
Monday, August 18, 2014
Tulsakids Magazine Cover Photo Contest!!!! Please Help and VOTE!!!
Hey everyone!
I know I have been soooooooooo lax and haven't written anything for a few months, I do apologize!! Things just got sooooooo busy around here with school and other things. Now it is a new school year and I am going to try AGAIN to be a better blogger!! We shall see if that happens!!
I know I probably shouldn't even ask for help, since I've been such a terrible blogger, but...............
I am going to ask anyhow.
I have entered my youngest daughter in a contest to be on the cover of TulsaKids Magazine, you can find it on facebook just by typing that in.
You will need to register in order to vote, but it's all free and you won't be asked for your life story to register.
Here is the link you will need to find Rachel and her "Cheesy Smile" photo to vote on it! That link brings you to the welcome page where you can register. After registering, you may then vote...........go to the "Voting" tab and Rachel SHOULD be photo number 9......her name is Rachel and she is wearing a pink swimsuit with cherries all over it, and eating a cheese puff on the beach. Here is her picture to help you out!
I would appreciate all votes that we can get. I think my little cutie would just knock the socks off Tulsakids magazine cover! If you can help, please register and get your vote counted!! Voting is once a day thru August 31!!
Thank you for your votes!!
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Literacy Fair Project at School
Tonight was Julie's night..........she found out today at school that she won 1st place in her category of Fantasy/Fairytale for the Literacy Fair!!! She was sooooooooo excited!! The book she read was Ever After High: The Storybook of Legends. Here is a picture of her and her storyboard.
She was so proud of herself, and well, she worked hard on this, she should be!! (Well, she DID have just a LITTLE help, lol!) Anyhow.......she also found out that she has earned a spot in the district Literacy Fair which will be held at the High School on Jan. 30. She can't wait!! We are hoping she does well there too, but, we'll have to wait and see how things go that night!! Here she is holding her 1st place ribbon
And here is just a wonderful picture that I love of her!
My little girl is growing up right before my eyes and is turning into such a beautiful young lady, inside and out!! I know God has some special plans for my little girl and I am soooo blessed that God chose me, of all people, to be her Mom!! I am so proud of you Julie and love you so very much!! Always do the very best with what the Lord has given you!!
Monday, January 6, 2014
Get a Grip!
That title was the title for today's daily devotional on Encouragement for Today. I love it because that is one of the sayings I say a lot! It goes along with the verses for today ... "When I said, 'My foot is slipping,' your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy." Psalm 94:18-19 (NIV)......when we think that the troubles of life are consuming us, "get a grip" on the Lord Jesus and He will hold us up! It sounds sooooo simple, but it's so true! I can think of so many times in my life that I thought things were just swirling out of control, and yes, even a few in the past few weeks, but I just have to learn to hold on to Jesus thru it all. He is my stronghold. This past summer we moved out here to Oklahoma.....from PA.......and from NY before that. We have moved three times since Christmas, being it's JUST the first week of January 2014, that means that we've moved three times in two years....probably more like a year and three quarters or so.....yeah, that's too much goin' on for a family! BUT, the Lord has been in the center of it all. We prayed and prayed and prayed and seeked out the Lord and where He wanted us.....Oklahoma was the place for this move. I was all for it, or so it seemed, until we got out here. Not sure what was going on inside of my head, but, I just wasn't the same. This was a HUGE change for all of us, but for me, I just wasn't adapting very well to it. I still have troubles, and I know that God is helping me through, but... still not quite the same happy chipper person I used to be. I soooo need to memorize the two verses from today and learn to "Get a grip!" My grandmother used to tell me to just take one day at a time, one situation at a time.......sometimes that's easier said then done, lol! Well, I better quit this daily post, it kind of seems like my thoughts have been rather random here, but, oh well.....lolol.......guess that's how I think sometimes, very randomly! haha!! Well, tomorrow is another day! Take care and God bless you all, and remember, "Get a Grip!"
Friday, January 3, 2014
The Blue Whale

Thursday, January 2, 2014
Encouragement for Today - Triggers
Encouragement for Today is from the Proverbs 31 ministry that I recently found online. I've been looking for a devotional to help get me back having my quiet times with God. Today's devo was on Triggers. What "triggers" us to eat junk food or fill that void or whatever we are trying to fill in our life. I'm still trying to figure that out, and with God's help I will. You can also find the devotional here to read more about it. I need to read it over again to really let it soak in, and I believe the power verse that was used today was from Romans 15:13.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year!! 2014!!

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