About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Paper Popsicles
Paper Popsicles is an awesome site with a great bunch of gals.....they all have at least one thing in common.......their love of scrapbooking! They also have TONS of inspiration in their gallery, and they have a very cool blog as well!! Please check it out here! Or click on the link in my side bar under my blog list! They always have something fun on there! Thanks and have a great day!!
Hubby's Birthday and Snow Day!
Yesterday was a school snow day and also hubby's birthday! I got to sleep in a little bit in the morning, and then take hubby out for a nice dinner in the evening! Julie had a great time coloring for most of the day, then switching over to play with daddy's Lincoln Logs for awhile...and then back to coloring. I made daddy a pudding poke cake: a white cake with pistachio pudding.....it turned out yummy!! Grammy was going to watch the girls for us while we went out to eat dinner and then go to bowl for a bit. Well, we dropped the girls off at Grammy's house, and then went to Applebee's for dinner.....While we were being seated, Mark got a call from work.....he said he'd wait til after dinner to take care of the call, that it wasn't something real urgent, so we sat down. I messed up and told Mark to order what he wanted cuz it was his birthday, and the waiter was standing right there! LOL!! Ooooops!! LOL!! Later on they came out to sing their Happy Birthday song to him! It was great!! Then we went to the Jamestown office of Mark's company and he took care of what he needed to, and then we went to go bowling....well, we get there and realized that open bowling was all done, that it was just "rock and bowl" time...$12 per person for just a couple of hours of bowling....forget that one! We just wanted to bowl one game! lol!! Oh well, he wasn't too upset, so we went back to his mom's and had the cake I made for him, spent some time with his mom, got the baby and went home. Julie spent the night with Grammy. It was a great day over all!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Just kind of wondering about things today I guess........just talked with my sister in law and all sorts of drama going on there again, lol........I don't think they can ever have a normal day in their house....my prayers go out to them!! Please keep their family in your prayers, and also my niece.....she is 15 and into some things that she should not be into at her age! She is traveling down the wrong road, that's for sure!! And she has the wrong crowd of friends in my opinion! Well, enough depressing thoughts.........
Same 'ol, same 'ol stuff happening around our place here, lol! Laundry, dishes, baking, playing with the baby, changing diapers, and playing on the computer! I suppose that I should go play a little bit on wii fit or Jillian Michaels! If Jillian were here right now, she'd be yelling at me cuz I was on the computer and not working out! lol!! So, maybe I better get off now! See ya later!
Same 'ol, same 'ol stuff happening around our place here, lol! Laundry, dishes, baking, playing with the baby, changing diapers, and playing on the computer! I suppose that I should go play a little bit on wii fit or Jillian Michaels! If Jillian were here right now, she'd be yelling at me cuz I was on the computer and not working out! lol!! So, maybe I better get off now! See ya later!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Whirlwind of a weekend!
Wow, what a great weekend!! Saturday I spent the day with my mommy in law and some friends in Jamestown at a friends house for a birthday crop! It was so much fun!! The snow even held off for the most part, a little bit here and there, but nothing toooo bad! I was able to do some of the challenges for the crop at Scrapbook Doodle ......I just Love those girls there! They are really rockin' this crop!!
Sunday we went to church, and then on the way home daddy asked Julie where she wanted to go for lunch......she answered him saying, "Chuck E. Cheese's!!!!!" Daddy said, "OK!" So, we came home first, got a few things, turned off the crockpot, and away we went to Erie, Pa........well, on our way out there, daddy had the idea to go to Old Country Buffet for lunch, and then to Chuck E. Cheese's to just play awhile....we were okay with that, sooo, that's what we did! We had an awesome lunch and spent a little over 2 hours playing games and such.....WHAT A BLAST!! Then we hit Target for a little bit of shopping, and then Tim Horton's for a treat on the way home.....God bless our daddy......He is the BESTEST!!
Today I am pretty caught up on laundry and such and all the chores.......the baby is sleeping, and now I am getting caught up on my scrappin' boards and some emails. Life is good!
Sunday we went to church, and then on the way home daddy asked Julie where she wanted to go for lunch......she answered him saying, "Chuck E. Cheese's!!!!!" Daddy said, "OK!" So, we came home first, got a few things, turned off the crockpot, and away we went to Erie, Pa........well, on our way out there, daddy had the idea to go to Old Country Buffet for lunch, and then to Chuck E. Cheese's to just play awhile....we were okay with that, sooo, that's what we did! We had an awesome lunch and spent a little over 2 hours playing games and such.....WHAT A BLAST!! Then we hit Target for a little bit of shopping, and then Tim Horton's for a treat on the way home.....God bless our daddy......He is the BESTEST!!
Today I am pretty caught up on laundry and such and all the chores.......the baby is sleeping, and now I am getting caught up on my scrappin' boards and some emails. Life is good!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Aaaaarrrggggghhhhh, won't it EVER stop, LOL!! Here are a couple videos I just took this morning of the snow!
Today starts the online crop at Scrapbook Doodle! It's going to be sooooo much fun! Games, prizes, scrapbooking, cardmaking, BINGO, Deal or No Deal game, good friends......what more could a girl ask for!! If you get a chance, please stop by and check out all the fun!! Go to the forum and register if you aren't already a member.......it's free, and it's tons of fun!! hope to see you there!
Today starts the online crop at Scrapbook Doodle! It's going to be sooooo much fun! Games, prizes, scrapbooking, cardmaking, BINGO, Deal or No Deal game, good friends......what more could a girl ask for!! If you get a chance, please stop by and check out all the fun!! Go to the forum and register if you aren't already a member.......it's free, and it's tons of fun!! hope to see you there!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Snow, snow, snow, and more snow!!
I am so tired of winter and snow already! Although sometimes it's very pretty and I don't mind it, like here in these pictures!

Sometimes though it just seems like it's never going to end! (just like the piles of laundry that pile up sometimes, lol!) Anyways.....it's been snowing since last night and it just keeps coming down! I am just so thankful that I do not have to go anywhere in this stuff....I can stay right here all cozy and warm in my house! Today my house is ALMOST back in shape from after all the holiday hub-bub. Here are some pics of our driveway.....I just DESPISE this driveway in the winter months, lol!

All of these pics above were taken yesterday when I was walking down the driveway to get dd off the bus!! Here is a pic of Julie after getting off the bus.....we heard a noise, something like a jet, in the sky and she was looking up trying to find it!

Here are a couple of pics I took today! Good bye to all the Christmas stuff for this year......this is from our Christmas star that was hanging in the window...I think it kind of has an artsy flavor to the photo....idk, what do you think?

Then this is a pic of our boxes, piled up next to the garage door, from Christmas........still need to get them burned, or just thrown away! Do any of you still have piles like this going on??

Sometimes though it just seems like it's never going to end! (just like the piles of laundry that pile up sometimes, lol!) Anyways.....it's been snowing since last night and it just keeps coming down! I am just so thankful that I do not have to go anywhere in this stuff....I can stay right here all cozy and warm in my house! Today my house is ALMOST back in shape from after all the holiday hub-bub. Here are some pics of our driveway.....I just DESPISE this driveway in the winter months, lol!

All of these pics above were taken yesterday when I was walking down the driveway to get dd off the bus!! Here is a pic of Julie after getting off the bus.....we heard a noise, something like a jet, in the sky and she was looking up trying to find it!

Here are a couple of pics I took today! Good bye to all the Christmas stuff for this year......this is from our Christmas star that was hanging in the window...I think it kind of has an artsy flavor to the photo....idk, what do you think?

Then this is a pic of our boxes, piled up next to the garage door, from Christmas........still need to get them burned, or just thrown away! Do any of you still have piles like this going on??

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Everyday pics.....
Well, today I finally took a picture of something I see each and everyday......my baby daughter's hands while she is playing.....I just LOVE this photo!! Isn't it adorable! I just love baby hands!!

She is 5 months old and is really starting to grab things alot better, hold the bottle by herself, use her feet when she is playing with her floor toy, and she is being a little more vocal too! I think she wants to start crawling, but she just hasn't got the hang of it yet! It's moments like these that I am sooooo happy to be a mommy!!
Here is a picture of my other daughter's princess play shoes......she will go change into one of her dresses and then put these shoes on, then she'll come out to me and say, Mommy, do I look pretty? Or, Mommy, do I look like a princess now? More mommy moments for me! I sooooo love having children!!

She is 5 months old and is really starting to grab things alot better, hold the bottle by herself, use her feet when she is playing with her floor toy, and she is being a little more vocal too! I think she wants to start crawling, but she just hasn't got the hang of it yet! It's moments like these that I am sooooo happy to be a mommy!!
Here is a picture of my other daughter's princess play shoes......she will go change into one of her dresses and then put these shoes on, then she'll come out to me and say, Mommy, do I look pretty? Or, Mommy, do I look like a princess now? More mommy moments for me! I sooooo love having children!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I did a whole lot of nothin' today!! Woooo-Hoooooooo!!! LOL!! Well, I did do laundry, but I am not countin' that! lol!! I am not doing well on taking a pic each day either.......need to get doing that! AND I really need to get back to doing wii fit too.....I was doing that everyday up until a few days ago.....OK Lisa..let's get your rear in gear....and in shape!! A GOOD SHAPE, not the shape it is now!! lol!! AND, I need to do this to lose weight and get healthy and not be out of breath everytime I carry the laundry up our spiral staircase!! OK, enough for tonite....gotta get some beauty sleep, and boy, do I NEED THAT TOO!! lolol!!
OK, outta here for tonite!
OK, outta here for tonite!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Back to School today......
Aaaahhh, I am luvin' these days!! lol! The days when vacations are over and the kids go back to school.....very nice I tell you! Although I miss my little girl, I also like to be home getting things done without her running behind me making another mess, lol......and also, I get to spend some quality time with our little baby girl!!
Today I was paying some of our bills online and realized AFTER the fact, that I paid a little too much on the Home Depot bill........oh well, now hubby will have a little extra to work with in the next month or two when he needs something from there......I guess this may have been a good thing in a way! lol!! He wasn't upset when I told him, so, it's all good!
Ok, laundry is buzzin', so I must run.......I will also try to get a picture in today for the Ali Edwards challenge! Til later alligator!! I'm outta here!
Today I was paying some of our bills online and realized AFTER the fact, that I paid a little too much on the Home Depot bill........oh well, now hubby will have a little extra to work with in the next month or two when he needs something from there......I guess this may have been a good thing in a way! lol!! He wasn't upset when I told him, so, it's all good!
Ok, laundry is buzzin', so I must run.......I will also try to get a picture in today for the Ali Edwards challenge! Til later alligator!! I'm outta here!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
This morning I got to sleep in a little bit, thanks to my dear hubby! Then we got ready to go to church, then over to Andy and Kassi's new place that they are going to be renting, then went to Lakewood to McDonald's cuz that is where Julie wanted to have lunch, and she wanted to play in the playland there! I didn't get any pics today ........... I should always remember to at least HAVE my camera available so that I can TAKE pics at a moments notice! You'd think with me being a scrapbooker, that I WOULD have it with me at all times, but alas, I don't! Well, if I am going to do this 365 photo a day challenge, then I think I better start carrying it with me! lol!! Well, after we had lunch, we checked out the new Mr. Salvage store in the old Carnahan's building in Lakewood........some cool things in there, but most of it was junk.......guess the name should've been a hint to me, lol!! We headed home after that and then just spent the rest of the day relaxing. It was really nice! The girls and I watched a couple of movies and then I got Julie to bed due to her having school tomorrow! Yay!! Well, that's all for today!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Everyday life
Well, it's a little late tonite for me to post, but hey, at least I am!! Right?! Well, I have decided that I am going to try the challenge by Ali Edwards, and try to photograph something/someone from my life each and every day.....we'll see how far I get!! Here is a pic from Jan. 1, the first day of the new year.......my beautiful girls!!

And here is my pic from the 2nd! My lil baby took the soft rings off of her toy giraffe all by herself!!

And here is today's pic! My messy scrap table, lol!! I have cleaned it since then and hopefully will get a pic of the "neat" table tomorrow!!

You can check out Ali's challenge for yourself on her blog....... I have a link to it in my favorite blog list!
Well, tomorrow is the last day of Christmas vacation for my little girl....Monday starts school again! Yay!! Now maybe I can get this house back in shape again!! It's not bad, but just looking a little too cluttered for my taste!! That's all for tonite......see ya'all tomorrow!

And here is my pic from the 2nd! My lil baby took the soft rings off of her toy giraffe all by herself!!

And here is today's pic! My messy scrap table, lol!! I have cleaned it since then and hopefully will get a pic of the "neat" table tomorrow!!

You can check out Ali's challenge for yourself on her blog....... I have a link to it in my favorite blog list!
Well, tomorrow is the last day of Christmas vacation for my little girl....Monday starts school again! Yay!! Now maybe I can get this house back in shape again!! It's not bad, but just looking a little too cluttered for my taste!! That's all for tonite......see ya'all tomorrow!
Friday, January 2, 2009
First Posting of 2009!!!
Yay, the new year is here! A time for new challenges, new memories, new endeavors! I hope this new year will bring much happiness to you all! I can't wait to see what it will hold! Well, off to do much needed chores! Later!
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