Sometimes though it just seems like it's never going to end! (just like the piles of laundry that pile up sometimes, lol!) Anyways.....it's been snowing since last night and it just keeps coming down! I am just so thankful that I do not have to go anywhere in this stuff....I can stay right here all cozy and warm in my house! Today my house is ALMOST back in shape from after all the holiday hub-bub. Here are some pics of our driveway.....I just DESPISE this driveway in the winter months, lol!

All of these pics above were taken yesterday when I was walking down the driveway to get dd off the bus!! Here is a pic of Julie after getting off the bus.....we heard a noise, something like a jet, in the sky and she was looking up trying to find it!

Here are a couple of pics I took today! Good bye to all the Christmas stuff for this year......this is from our Christmas star that was hanging in the window...I think it kind of has an artsy flavor to the photo....idk, what do you think?

Then this is a pic of our boxes, piled up next to the garage door, from Christmas........still need to get them burned, or just thrown away! Do any of you still have piles like this going on??

1 comment:
I still have my rubbermaid containers in my front porch. Maybe one day dh will SEE them and get them put away ;-)
Love the snowy pics!
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