Oh my goodness, only 9 more days til Christmas!!!!!! I better get goin' on things! Cookies to bake, presents to get, make, and wrap........house to clean, groceries to get, laundry to do........isn't this the BEST time of year??? Then why do we always get ourselves sooooo uptight and stressed out??!! Christmas, in my opinion, should not be this way, it should be a time of reflecting on the birth of Christ and His love for us.

I remember how much fun it was when I was a kid.....making ornaments, stringing popcorn, the smell of swedish meatballs cooking in the kitchen, playing outdoors in the snow, calling my friend Laurie on Christmas eve to see if Santa had come yet, and going to church for the Christmas eve candlelight service. No worries back then it seemed! I lived with my grandparents, and they always took care of everything......gram always seemed to have things under control and made holidays so much fun!

I hope I do the same for my girls! Julie is getting excited now for Christmas......everyday she asks, "Mommy, is it christmas yet?" I just love kids and their questions! Rachel is still a baby and doesn't know about Christmas yet, but when she does, I am sure she'll love it just as much as we do! Here are some pics getting ready for this Christmas!
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