Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh, I loooove Saturdays! I can sleep in for a little bit without having to worry about getting Julie ready for school in the morning! Saturdays are a wonderful day and I am so glad to have that day around! Sundays are pretty sweet too!! Usually the whole weekend consists of spending time with family, going to church, crafting, playing with the kids, catching up on things that need to get done, and relaxing with one another! Today we spent alot of the day with grammy. Daddy had to get some things finished for the Sons of Amvets and grammy helped him to get it done! Bless her heart! She is such a wonderful lady and we are so blessed to have her in our lives!
After we got home around dinner time, we made some homemade pizza! The dough was from Shurfine, and boy, let me tell you, it really is yummy!! (once it's cooked that is, heheee!!) Then I put Julie to bed and daddy was feeding Rachel. Julie and I are in the process of reading her Princess Stories storybook. Tonite was the story of Cinderella's wedding and everything she had to go thru. Cute story!
After Julie was asleep, I found a cranberry sauce recipe. I made some for our church holiday dinner tomorrow after the late service. I hope it turned out okay!!
Daddy went to sleep and the girls are sleeping now's almost 11pm, so I will be going to sleep here pretty soon as well......early morning tomorrow for church!! Will see ya'all soon!
About Me

- Lisa
- Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
- Hi! I'm Lisa, or Scrapadoodler on my scrapbooking sites. I am married and have two beautiful little girls ages 9 and 4. I am a believer in Jesus - a child of the King. I love CHRISTMAS, photography, scrapbooking, trash to treasure home decor, and anything crafty! I also have a new love of cleaning and organizing. I have a growing collection of snowmen and I just LOVE Christmas! I hope you enjoy my blog....sit down, grab a cup of coffee, and spend a little time with me! God bless you today!
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